Board Meeting Minutes June 2015
Epiphyllum Society of America
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Los Angeles County Arboretum, Oak Room
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 @ 7:30 pm
PRESENT: : Keith Ballard, Ed Beardsley, Mary Beardsley, Marrie Caldiero, Geneva Coats, Ken Hanke, Robert Kuettle, Jim Nones.
ABSENT: Dick Kohlschreiber, Paul Richter, Maria Schmidt, Heather Sabin.
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Mr. Kuettle. Upon a motion made by Mr. Beardsley, seconded by Mr. Ballard, the minutes of the May, 2015 meeting were approved as presented.
President's Report - Robert Kuettle
Thank you all for being here. We have many business items to address tonight.
Recording Secretary's Report – Mary Beardsley
Nothing to report
Corresponding Secretary's Report - Maria Schmidt
Membership/Treasurer's report - Geneva Coats
Bank Balance of 48,535.90 Plus Fern Society deposit of $634 still to be made. Total assets=
Sending out notices of availability when posted on website, and/or actual copy of Bulletin by email. ESA is in need of a volunteer to set up an email mass mailing list in order to efficiently distribute the Bulletin.
2015 Roster and list of Heritage hybrids to be uploaded.
75th anniversary year-long celebration
Report from Jim Nones.
Galen Pittman award
For further discussion on the Board email list.
New Logo
Ideas for new logo being sought.
Headset Mike for Speakers
Purchase being handled by Mr. Ballard.
Laptop and Database Program
Deferred for next meeting.
Volunteer appreciation
Volunteer Coordinator Mrs. Caldiero is looking into potential sites for a luncheon. Some possibilities include Arlington Gardens, San Antonio Winery, and Lotus Land in Santa Barbara.
Summer Bulletin
Currently under production
Programs for 2015
July-Kellogg's rep regarding their products
August-Women hybridizers presentation
September-hybridizer showcase, silent auction and Meet and Greet.
October-African Violets or Iris
December-75 Anniversary luncheon
Registration Form Revision
Deferred for discussion next meeting.
Registration Fees
A motion was made by Mr. Kuettle, seconded by Mr. Ballard, that ESA reduce fees to $5 per registration for ESA members only. The fee for nonmembers will remain $10 per registration. The motion was approved by unanimous vote and the policy takes effect immediately.
Fuchsia/Epiphyllum Society in Northern California
New member Don Helsel wants program to present to his club regarding epiphyllums. Mrs. Coats will send him informational materials including our membership flyers and extra copies of the Spring Bulletin.
New Member Welcome Packet
Mrs. Coats reports that she sends a welcome letter out to all new members. Further suggestions for other materials to include would be appreciated.
Next meeting
The next board meeting will be held Tuesday July28, 2015 @ 7:30 pm in the Los Angeles Arboretum OAK ROOM.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Geneva Coats
ESA Acting Recording Secretary
Approved September 29, 2015