Board Meeting Minutes July 2015
Epiphyllum Society of America
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Los Angeles County Arboretum, Oak Room
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 @ 7:30 pm
PRESENT: : Keith Ballard, Ed Beardsley, Marrie Caldiero, Geneva Coats, Ken Hanke, Robert Kuettle, Jim Nones, Heather Sabin
ABSENT: Mary Beardsley, Dick Kohlschreiber, Paul Richter, Maria Schmidt
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Mr. Kuettle. Minutes from the June, 2015 meeting were not available. Mrs. Coats was appointed acting Recording Secretary.
President's Report - Robert Kuettle
ESA has obtained more plants from the late Mr. Pittman's collection. Rows are being added to the Pentico collection to accommodate the additions.
Recording Secretary's Report – Mary Beardsley
Absent. Mr. Beardsley reports that Mary wishes to resign her position on the Board due to health issues.
Corresponding Secretary's Report - Maria Schmidt
Membership/Treasurer's report - Geneva Coats
Bank Balance last meeting 49169.90
Bank Balance today 48072.62
Net loss for the month 1097.28
Several new members this month......updated roster will be added to website when finalized by Mr. Kuettle.
Summer Bulletin sample has been forwarded to the Board list for proofreading. Should go out soon to both postal and email members.
New content to be uploaded including Summer Bulletin and 2015 Roster.
75th anniversary year-long celebration
Report from Jim Nones. Have interviewed the Ballards and Mr. Kohlschreiber for features.
Galen Pittman award
Information from the March 1996 Bulletin regarding Mr. Pittman's “Flower of the Year” award was provided to the Board by Mr. Nones. General discussion regarding special award in Mr. Pittman's name. For further discussion on the Board email list.
New Logo
Graphic design ideas being sought for possible new logo for the ESA.
Laptop and Database Program
Deferred for discussion on the Board email list.
Volunteer appreciation
Mrs. Caldiero reports that she has reserved the last weekend in October for a luncheon at the home of ESA past President Mrs. Loretta Garcia in Glendora. ESA to provide a variety of buffet items and custom-designed shirts for volunteers. Please contact Mrs. Caldiero to notify her what size shirt you require if you volunteered for the ESA in 2015 so the order can soon be placed.
Fuchsia/Epiphyllum Society in Northern California
New member Don Helsel wants program to present to his club regarding epiphyllums. We are seeking a basic informational CD to send him.
Programs for 2015
August-Women hybridizers. Mr. Kuettle is organizing the presentation and Mr. Nones will introduce the program at the meeting. Hybridizers to be featured include Monmonier, Buchanan, Steele, and Flechsig.
September-hybridizer showcase, “Meet and Greet” and silent auction
October-African Violets presentation by Mrs. Coats
December-75 Anniversary luncheon
Registration Form Revision
Volunteers needed for input and assistance in formulating updated registration form for new hybrids.
Next meeting
The next board meeting will be held Tuesday August 25, 2015 @ 7:30 pm in the Los Angeles Arboretum OAK ROOM.
Upon a motion made by Mrs. Coats and seconded by Mr. Hanke, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Geneva Coats
ESA Acting Recording Secretary
Approved August 25, 2015