Annual Silent Auction
Submitted by Geneva Coats on August 20, 2022 - 11:14am
Members only! ESA’s annual silent auction and potluck dinner. Bid on exclusive, hard to find plants cuttings and other garden-related donations. Please being donations for the auction. You can download and print bid sheets HERE
If your last name begins with A-L please bring a side dish; M-Z please bring a dessert.
Meet us at 6:30 in Ayres Hall, Los Angeles Arboretum, 301 N Baldwin Ave, Arcadia CA
Free parking and admission for ESA members. Please RSVP here and with Jim Nones 818-284-1199
This is a "Members Only" event, so if you would like to attend, please join us!
Best regards,
Epiphyllum Society of America