ESA Membership Benefits

If you are not yet a member of the Epiphyllum Society of America, now is the perfect time to join! For just $20 a year, ESA members receive access to the members-only portion of our website where you can find the issues of The Bulletin, annual addendums to the Registry, beautiful color photographs of the latest registered hybrids and annual show winners not found anywhere else.

With ESA Membership comes your subscription to the Society's quarterly electronic newsletter, The Bulletin, the Society's publication that includes seasonal growing tips and useful articles. Each issue has a color cover photograph and regularly features culture tips; the calendar of events, program previews and highlights; plus informative articles of interest to epi enthusiasts. Interviews with epi hybridizers and nursery owners are included, along with technical or scientific articles. The Bulletin is the only epi society newsletter archived by the Smithsonian Institute, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Library; the Royal Horticultural Society, and botanical libraries around the world.

Here is a sample issue of The Bulletin.

ESA Members are eligible to join our 'Members Only' Facebook group and benefit from advice from expert growers and hybridizers. We also send a monthly email Newsletter to all members. 


  • You receive a discount on the cost of The Registry.
  • Hybridizers who join the ESA enjoy a 50% discount on registration of their new named varieties.


The ESA provides discounted tickets for members to the annual Holiday Party and to participate in our annual September Silent Auction and Potluck. Members can purchase discounted plants and supplies at our monthly meetings. We also participate in Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA) events as an affiliate society. ESA members also enjoy a special free entrance to the world-renowned Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens (a $25 value) during the CSSA's special "Desert Day" in January.

The ESA depends solely on membership dues and our sales for operating revenue. Our organization is entirely volunteer-run, and it is the support from our members, both financially, and/or through hours spent working on various committees, serving on the Executive Board and helping to produce The Bulletin, that allows us to remain in existence. Most importantly, your membership allows us to pursue our mission of promoting public awareness about the care and cultivation of epiphyllums and other epiphytic cactus species.  

If you aren’t a member of the ESA, but you love epis, please consider joining today to help keep our organization strong into the future! 

Join the ESA today!