
NOTE: The photos are presented as an aid to verification of labeled varieties. They are not intended to assist with identification of unknown, unlabeled varieties.



New Registrations


New Seedlings


New Images




Plants may bloom differently under different growing conditions. Even if you make the best educated guess possible, it is just that...... a guess. 

It is almost impossible to accurately identify an Epiphyllum hybrid that doesn't have a name tag or other type of identification (a NOID, or a plant with no ID). Our website shows examples of hundreds of cultivars, but the Registry of Hybrids and Species lists many thousands more different named epiphyllum hybrids along with descriptions.

Depending on your NOID, you could find a few dozen that match the pictures and characteristics. You might even be able to narrow it down to four or five. But then you would need to choose one of them, and it would be highly unlikely that you would choose the correct name.

Besides that, the Registry does not list every named hybrid in existence. Even if you found a photo that matched your flower exactly, the odds are great that it is not your plant. So many Epiphyllum flowers look the same or extremely similar, and they can vary in size, shape or color under different growing conditions. It is definitely a mistake to try to identify a NOID in this manner.

There are already far too many misidentified Epiphyllums out there now. (Just ask anyone who has judged entries at a show.) Please don't add to the problem.